En présence
This programme brings together curators working both in France and abroad with artists from the Grand Est region.
Organized once a year (either at the Frac Lorraine or in artists’ studios) meetings between a guest curator and artists take place in the form of studio visits: the curator identifies the artists they wish to meet in order to discover their work. When possible, this also serves as an occasion for the curator to present their practice to ESAL students.
By bringing about encounters between different artistic contexts, this system invites the participants to take a step back and envision their practices under a new light — as well as the ways we talk about and understand them. It further provides an additional perspective on the region’s art scene and, indirectly, contributes to its vitality.
● Contact
Pauline Esmez
Manager of the Projects with Regional Partners
+ 33 (0)3 87 74 73 28
+ 33 (0)6 71 29 32 20
Follow your path
En tant que structure dédiée à l’art contemporain en région, le Frac Lorraine contribue au soutien de l’émergence sur le territoire au sein duquel il est actif. En partenariat avec l’ESAL, ce dispositif, lancé en 2024, souhaite apporter un accompagnement à un ou une artiste dans la période de transition qui suit la fin des études. Le ou la diplômé.e aura ainsi l’occasion de pouvoir développer sa pratique en dialogue avec une équipe.
Au long de l’année qui suivra le diplôme du DNSEP / Master option Art ou Communication de l’ÉSAL, ce ou cette artiste, sélectionné.e par un jury composé de membres de l’équipe du Frac Lorraine et de l’ÉSAL, sera en dialogue avec le Frac pour échanger sur sa démarche artistique, mais aussi sur les cadres administratifs qui régissent son métier. Cela prendra la forme de rencontres avec des membres de l’équipe de programmation du Frac, de l’administration, mais aussi avec des curateur.rices venu.es d’ailleurs, dans une perspective de mise en relation avec des professionnel.le s du monde de l’art. L’artiste sera également accompagné.e dans sa découverte du fonctionnement du milieu de l’art et des institutions.
Une exposition hors les murs représentera l’aboutissement de ce temps d’accompagnement.
● Contact
Pauline Esmez
Chargée des projets hors les murs
+ 33 (0)3 87 74 73 28
+ 33 (0)6 71 29 32 20
Research residency
In a time of changing social rituals, opening up spaces to consider new modes of action becomes more necessary than ever. This residency programme aims to support the development of reflections on contemporary art — and the role it plays within society — through questions linked to the Frac’s artistic project. 49 Nord 6 Est welcomes practitioners whose research relates to the Frac’s fields of reflexion.
These residencies are conceived to allow researchers, authors, and artists to pursue their research. They also provide an opportunity to question institutions themselves. Punctuated by a workshop with the public of 49 Nord 6 Est, they place the accent on analysis rather than on a drive toward production.
● Contact
Clara Brandt
Cultural Programming
+ 33 (0)3 87 74 73 39
Nomadic Residency
With the aim of connecting their practices and missions to a wider ecosystem, the three Fracs from the Grand Est region have joined forces to create a new residency program. Each year, a practitioner or researcher working at the intersection of ecology and artistic creation is invited for a nomadic residency.
For a fortnight, they travel around the 3 Fracs of the Grand Est: exploring the collections, meeting local artists and institutional partners; they can both familiarize themselves with the Fracs’ missions and share their own experiences pertaining to ecological practices. The encounters provoked by this residency encourage the dissemination of works and artists; they also contribute to the diffusion of a concept unique to France — the Frac.
● Contact
Pauline Esmez
Manager of the Projects with Regional Partners
+ 33 (0)3 87 74 73 28
+ 33 (0)6 71 29 32 20
Writing residency
49 Nord 6 Est FRAC Lorraine takes a special interest in the various forms of contemporary writing and how they relate to visual arts. This residency was an opportunity for international art critics and curators to become acquainted with artists and institutions in the Saarland-Lorraine-Luxembourg border region, to develop critical perspectives related to the FRAC Lorraine collection or to experiment with new modes of writing. This program is no longer active.