01 DEC - 17 FEB 2013
Marta Caradec

Exhibition view. Photo : E. Chenal
A traveler and a goldsmith, Marta Caradec meticulously transforms actual maps the way one crafts metal objects. She subjectively appropriates the maps, attributing them a new, sensory and anecdotal, reading.
Intricate ramifications, ornamental forms or fine mesh loops transform the original appearance of the maps, inviting us to set aside the scientific character of topography for the sake of a subjective interpretation of its relation to humans.
On the occasion of her aiR residency in Spring 2012, Marta Caradec produced a series of maps of the mining site in Audun-le-Tiche. She will be presenting them at FRAC Lorraine until February 17, along with a selection of her earlier works.
Room 1
Caradec draws, paints and cuts, setting down her own codes and symbols in the standardized space of the maps of Géradmer, Budapest and the Bay of Santander.
She also gives free rein to her obsessions by burning “O”s or “zeros” with a soldering iron, or by circling those already there, in order to emphasize the absurdity of the standardization of the world. Based on her experience and impressions of the countries she had visited, these codes transcribe the artist’s interest in the modes of occupation of space, and in the history and the inhabitants of the different places.
Room 2
Using original maps of the mining site in Audun-le-Tiche, Marta Caradec reinterprets it by affixing several ornamental motifs to each level of the mine. Whether they are mixed in with or defined by the topographic outline, the motifs translate the presence of cultures originating in the industrial migration of the 1930s.
The annual program of interregional residencies intended to promote and support artists residing or working in the French Nord Est has been in place since 2004. From 2010, it has been known as AIR (Artists in Residency).
Supported by FRAC Lorraine, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, FRAC Franche-Comté, FRAC Nord-Pas de Calais (in collaboration with BE-PART, Weregem, BE) and the Mulhouse Kunsthalle, this program aims to contribute to the vitality of the arts community in the shared territories.
Five artists are selected each year and invited to reside in one of the five regions.
The residencies are designed as a time of reflection rather than of production.
They adopt a flexible format depending on the needs and desires of the residents (nomadic or sedentary; spanning one or several months) in the specific context of the artist’s stay. Each residency is thus singular and depends on the project of the resident and on the host facilities.
Claire Morel
Isabelle Giovacchini
Yvan Etienne & Claire Willemann
Marta Caradec