SATURDAY 16 FEB 2013, 12H
Gesture Lines
Saturday – program

Esther Ferrer, le chemin se fait en marchant.
Sachiko Abe / Cut Papers
CPM, STUDIO / SAT. 11H-12H30, 14H-15H30, 16H30–18H & 19H-20H
Enveloped in whitenes, Sachiko Abe is tirelessly and methodically cutting up thin strips of paper. Time passes and gradually materializes in the accumulation of the ribbons birthed by the movement of scissors. A magical, intimate scene untroubled by any sound, except that of the blades against paper.
Fiona Wright / Salt drawing
CPM, SALLE DE CONFÉRENCE / SAT. 11H-12H30, 14H30–16H & 17H-18H
On-site registration
A solo performance for a single spectator. Five minutes face to face. A salt-covered table. Indirect lines of sight, curved lines of gestures… A brief moment of choreography which, like ebb and flow, reinvents itself in the trace and the erasure of the movement.
Marianne Mispelaere / …1_1_1_1_1…1_1_1_1_1… = 1
FRAC / SAT. 11H30
Mastering time, measuring time… The artist evenly paints a line on the wall for sixty seconds with a brush, from top to bottom. Then she repeats the movement unceasingly, to the point of exhaustion…
Adélaïde Feriot / L’Hésitation
FRAC / SAT. 11H30–12H15, 13H45–14H30 & 15H45–16H30
A pose… a young woman is seated before pieces of colored glass laid out on a table. She gazes past them, while her hand hangs in mid-gesture. Pause…
Performed by Elodie Thibault.
Association Inuksuk (Espace culturel inuit) / String game Workshop
Adults and children aged 8 and over (max. 25 persons)
CPM / SAT. 14H & 16H
Reservation required:
Among the Inuit people, the game is not just a child’s game… Based on the imitation of simple gestures, it’s also a way of learning. This ludic workshop is an occasion to familiarize ourselves with geometric figures representing daily Inuit objects. You might discover a new passion in the string game!
Jiri Kovanda / One above another
FRAC / SAT. 14H30 & 16H30
Equipped with spools of thread, two performers redesign the space of the courtyard. Weaving, knotting, splitting, diverting… under their precise gestures, its appearance (and use!) evolves with the lines.
© Collection Cypanga, Paris. With thanks to the gallery gb agency, Paris
Esther Ferrer / Parcourir un carré
Instructions: elaborate all possible ways of crossing a square in four steps. From right to left, from left to right, diagonally… A logical and systematic exploration which attempts to exhaust all possible combinations of steps.
Aurélie Pertusot / Hôte-couture
A short red line along the façades of buildings enters into the hallways and apartments… In the age of social networking, this project realized in collaboration with local residents materializes, in the form of a satin ribbon, the sometimes distant relations among neighbors.
Jean-Christophe Norman / La condition tropicale
Writing with chalk on the ground, on the street, and on the pavement in order to capture the city in motion. Contrasting the slowness of this act with the frenzied activities of the city. The passage turn into effort, fatigue, endurance; writing becomes imprint, line, trajectory.