WEDNESDAY 17 NOV 2010, 20H
How Christian is contemporary art?
Conversation between Catherine Grenier, deputy director of MNAM-CCI, Centre Pompidou, Paris, Father Robert Féry and Cristina Lucas, artist

Cristina Lucas, Más luz, 2003. Video presents in the Frac’s exhibition. Courtesy artist & Galería Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid
Christs, Holy Virgins, Crucifixions, infernos, paradises, falls, gifts, exchanges: the Christian image of the world seems to have made a come-back. Where? In the domain of the most contemporary art.
This may appear to some as a provocation. Relying on a detailed study of this new iconography, Catherine Grenier analyzes the inversion of the models of art that has taken place. In contemporary works, man is seen as an incarnated, feeble, failing flesh: a post-lapsarian image.